Languishing at work? Here are five easy ways to get motivated, regain focus, and boost your productivity. If you feel a bit foggy and distracted these days, you’re not alone. Science may [...]
Coffee With: Melissa Ansley, JLL Flex Occupier Solutions Lead in the Americas We know flex space is changing fast. For those who’ve been in the industry for a decade or more, like Melissa [...]
Employees spend about 40% of the workday at their desks, but until now, most companies have been paying for 100%. With hybrid and flex workspace models, that’s changing, and in uncertain times, [...]
Now, you can add your company’s existing real estate to Upflex’s booking platform, so employees can reserve workspace in our worldwide network of space on demand or in your own [...]
Now, companies can offer their employees the benefit of choosing from thousands of on-demand workspaces in a branded company experience. Upflex CEO Christophe Garnier discusses Upflex’s new [...]
The American metropolis isn’t dead; but thanks to dispersed office workers, it’s being entirely redefined. Before 2020, remote work was growing, but only one in 10 U.S. workers — or [...]
There’s no better way to double up on productivity — whether you’re commuting or cooking dinner — than to tune into an industry podcast, and these past few years have seen an influx of great [...]
Upflex CEO Christophe Garnier shares insight on how to beat the hyperflex learning curve. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the percentage of flex space in the average Fortune 2000 company’s [...]
It’s 2021, and work is shifting away from social-amenity-rich, centralized physical offices — and fast. Here’s what employees are looking for in workspaces now. What defines an ideal [...]
In Our Bookmarks: our team’s favorite CRE news sources Today’s commercial real estate industry is a rollercoaster. From hotel bankruptcies and urban flight to the rapid growth of wholly new [...]