Our how-to video library
Want a tour? How about a tutorial? Hit play and learn more about the Upflex platform.
Adding a Health & Safety Policy and Terms of Use
A 2-minute video explaining how to add a Health & Safety Policy and Terms of Use.
Adding & Editing Images
A 90-second video explaining how to add and change the images on your Upflex profile.
Confirming & Rejecting Booking Requests
A 60-second video explaining how to confirm and reject private office and meeting room booking requests.
Adding Long Term Bookings
A 2-minute video explaining how to add weekly and monthly bookings for desks and private offices.
Adding Inventory
A 2-minute video explaining how to update your inventory — including desks, meeting rooms, and private offices.
Adding Meeting Rooms
A quick, 2-minute video teaching you how to add Meeting Rooms on the Space Partner Portal.
Adding Staff
A quick 90-second video teaching you how to add staff and Community Managers on the Space Partner Portal.
Community Manager Onboarding
A 6-minute video explaining who Upflex is, how it works, and what happens when our guests visit your space.
What Upflex clients are saying
The world's best workspace at your fingertips