Hybrid workers are thriving in these Australia-Based coworking spaces.
In a post-pandemic world, one thing is clear: The world is not returning to the office we once knew. Professionals around the globe are anticipating a flexible future of work, and coworking operators on every continent are rising to meet new demand from companies transitioning to hybrid. Australia’s largest privately owned flexible workspace provider HUB Australia is among them.

Book workspace on demand at HUB Adelaide. Find it at explore.upflex.com.
Founded in 2011, HUB Australia offers premium coworking spaces across the country, giving businesses of all sizes access to state-of-the-art amenities, a global business community, and centrally located flexible workspace.
“HUB has beautiful spaces, everything is high-tech, everything just works, and that I think is an extension of what we want our brand to be,” as one corporate member puts it. “That was really important for us when we were looking for offices – we wanted to make sure our clients would walk right in and grow.”

Enjoy workspace where and when you need it, indoors and out. Pictured here: Hub Anzac Square, Brisbane.
HUB Australia spaces are now available via Upflex Day Desk Passes or Meeting Room bookings on the Upflex app (for Apple or Android) in Brisbane, Melbourne, Canberra, Adelaide and beyond. Check them out at explore.upflex.com.

Need a meeting room in Melbourne? Browse HUB Australia’s locations at explore.upflex.com.