Third Space: The Perks of Switching Up Your Workspace

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Heard the saying, “A change is as good as a rest”? As it turns out, this holds true when it comes to your — and if your a manager, your team’s — workspace. While opting to work from home is on the table for a growing percentage of the workforce, seeking out that “third space” — a workspace that’s optimized for focus time, for collaboration, for whatever you’re not finding at home or in the office. In fact, 79% of workers in a recent survey say they find working from a “third space” to be fulfilling — 26% more than those who said the same of working from home — a great boon to employee engagement in the age of distributed teams.

What’s so smart about a third space? Here are a few benefits to diversifying your work environment.

1. Find fresh sources of inspiration

One of the primary reasons for changing your workspace is to find fresh inspiration. Staring at the same four walls every day can quickly become monotonous and stifle your creativity. When you venture outside your home office, you’re exposed to new surroundings, people, and ideas. This change of scenery can spark your imagination and provide a fresh perspective on your work, encouraging creative thinking and problem-solving.

2. Boost your focus

Working from home can sometimes lead to distractions, whether it’s the TV, pets, household chores, or noisy neighbors. Shared and collaborative workspaces are often designed with productivity in mind. They offer quiet work areas, ergonomic furniture, and minimal distractions, making it easier to maintain your focus and be more efficient with your time.

3. Do more networking

Another compelling reason to switch up your workspace is the networking opportunities it offers. Shared workspaces attract a diverse group of professionals, creating an environment ripe for networking. Interacting with people from various industries can lead to valuable connections, potential collaborations, and business opportunities that you might not have encountered working from home.

4. Unblur the lines between work hours and the rest of your life

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is essential for your overall well-being. Working from home can blur the lines between professional and personal life, making it difficult to disconnect and unwind. By switching to a different workspace, you can establish clear boundaries, allowing you to leave work behind when you’re done for the day and focus on your personal life.

5. Get more done in less time

Shared and collaborative workspaces are designed to promote productivity. The change in environment and access to professional amenities like high-speed internet, meeting rooms, and office equipment can help you work more efficiently. Being surrounded by motivated and focused individuals can also serve as a productivity booster, as their energy and dedication can be contagious.

6. Straighten up: Get access to a better, more ergonomic work set-up

Home office setups vary greatly in terms of ergonomics, and many people struggle with discomfort and even pain when working from home. Shared workspaces often provide ergonomic chairs and desks, helping you maintain good posture and avoid the aches and pains associated with long hours at a makeshift home workstation. Your physical well-being can significantly impact your productivity and overall happiness.

7. Fight back against loneliness

Working from home can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness, as you miss out on the social interactions that come with a traditional office. Shared workspaces, on the other hand, offer a sense of community and camaraderie. You’ll have the chance to interact with like-minded professionals, share experiences, and combat the isolation that often accompanies remote work.

8. Up your mental wellness

Switching up your workspace can have a positive impact on your mental health. The change of scenery, social interactions, and reduction in isolation can help combat feelings of depression and anxiety that can creep in when working from home. A healthier mental state leads to increased productivity and a better overall quality of life.